CleverTipps - How much do the tip suggestions cost?

Although a trial period is offered for the first 14 days, many users rightly ask themselves: What do the tips cost after the 14 days? This question is answered here and you will learn why some other supposedly "free" offers can be dangerous.
98% recommendation on ProvenExpert
Cancelable at any time
29€ per month
= 87€ for 3 months
Can be cancelled at any time by mail
100% transparent - you can cancel at any time during the 14-day trial period!
Without minimum contract period
Membership costs:

Cost for the 3-month membership:

The answer right away: After the 14 days, our membership costs 87€ and is valid for 3 months. This corresponds to a monthly fee of 29€. You can cancel your membership at any time by sending an email to the payment processor. There is no minimum contract period or any other costs. We stand for 100% transparency, so we want to let you test for 14 days before you pay money for our tips. This is the only way we can make sure you are completely satisfied.
Beware of
"free" providers
Often other providers advertise with "free tips" and promise that the user never has to expect any costs. However, in most cases these are dubious providers who have entered into partnerships with betting providers and finance themselves through this. In such partnerships, the provider earns a percentage of the user's losses. Therefore, it is in the interest of the providers to send bad tips that do not lead to profits in the long run.

CleverTipps is not financed by partnerships with betting providers, but by the membership fee. Therefore, it is important to us that all our members bet successfully in the long term.
"Free" providers
Neutral tipster, without partnership with betting providers
Simple registration, without complicated detours
Risk-free test phase
Realistic forecasts, no false promises
Support for questions

Summary - is membership worth it?

The whole model is designed so that you can test the tips to the full extent. After you have activated your 14-day test phase, you automatically receive the latest tips immediately in Messenger. As a rule, at least 10 tips are suggested daily. You can either play the tips directly or just watch them. Members then pay €87 (equivalent to €29 per month) for a period of 3 months. There is no minimum contract period or any other costs. 100% transparency is the be-all and end-all, which is why the 14-day test is offered, during which everyone can convince themselves of the offer. The only costs you have to pay for the activation of the test phase are for the automated dispatch. These costs amount to 1€ and not a cent of this goes into CleverTipps' pocket. If you agree, you can activate the test phase and receive your first tips today.